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Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:33 pm      Reply with quote
Keliu wrote:
Hi dips18,
I've also got both of the rollers now!! I'm totally into the rolling - I do my whole face once a week with the large one and use the smaller one to spot treat. I have to use numbing cream with the big roller as it hurts so much. Afterwards, I apply CP then Retin-A - my poor skin!!!

However, I'm really seeing results - I did peel like mad the first two times and my pigmentation and a couple of scars are looking much better. So far I'm into my fourth week - they say you see real results after 80 days so I have a way to go yet. But I'm convinced I'm seeing better results for the rolling than from the peels - I'm hooked!!

Hi Keliu,
Yes I'm seeing results too - quite amazing. I'm very excited to see the results in a few more weeks as it has only been two weeks for me. I don't use numbing cream but I should as the big one does hurt! but worth it. I'm seeing a change in my dermal pigmentation which has been really hard to break up until now. Are you stopping peels altogether? or just for a while?
Rileygirl - I think you can put on after or before. I think most users on this thread put on after? am I right girls?
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Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:55 pm      Reply with quote
I have to wash off the numbing cream so I put the CP on after, then wait 30 mins then put on Retin-A.

Dips, I have stopped the peels because using the roller with Retin-A is making me peel quite allot. Also, the rolling makes my skin quite red and tender for a few days, so I think that doing a peel as well would be tantamount to abuse!!

I'm going to do another two treatments with the big roller, that will be six all up, then I'll start back on the peels and will use the smaller roller on a daily basis and see how that goes.
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:18 am      Reply with quote
Wow!!! You are all very brave!
I kept reading this thread because I was amazed how y'all could suffer through the process.
The more I read however, the more interesting the concept became's a thought for you gals
Have any of you considered, or tried the DermaRoller on thighs (or whatever!) followed by cellulite cream???
I'd love to know your opinions on that possibility! Idea
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:25 am      Reply with quote
They make a roller especially for use on cellulite, its shaped like a computer mouse and has three rollers underneath. So of course, you could also use the face roller on other areas.
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:41 am      Reply with quote
Thanks for the advice, dips and Keliu!
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:31 am      Reply with quote
Here's a link I got off the website
It's pretty interesting. I got the impression that if you put on topicals before and after rolling, it gets in much deeper.I had been putting them on after.

Also, not sure where I read this one, but I read you should wait to put on the cp's until after the "holes" have closed (30-60 minutes). So, now, I'm putting on Candy's triple C before; then after, tripleC, matrixyl, and Retin-A. The dmae was too irritating for me after rolling, so I use it in the morning. Everyone is different. What are all of you fellow rollers using?

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Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:27 am      Reply with quote
So the consensus looks like I should get one short and one long roller. Can someone pm me about a reliable e-bay vendor or other source of these.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to rolling!
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:02 pm      Reply with quote
One more question, please. Do you all use this around your eyes, meaning underneath and to the sides of your eyes or is the eye area too thin/sensitive for the dermaroller? Thanks in advance!
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:26 pm      Reply with quote
I use the short roller (Novaderm .75mm)all around my eyes-gently. The long one, I've only used on my lids.
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:21 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks Robin!
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Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:41 pm      Reply with quote
kyplantjunkie wrote:

Also, not sure where I read this one, but I read you should wait to put on the cp's until after the "holes" have closed (30-60 minutes).

This is interesting because I thought that CPs were supposed to be healing, this is why its recommended that they be used immediately after a peel. Wish you could remember where you read this. Maybe I should ask Skinbiology.
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Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:00 am      Reply with quote
Ok, so I've asked Skinbiology, will let you know when I receive the reply. There's a few other questions about skin needling on their forum too - they don't appear to have a problem with it. Dr. Pickart was even approached to sell the roller on the website but decided not too because of complications with FDA.
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Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:48 pm      Reply with quote
Have just received the reply from Skinbiology, so here it is:

"We generally recommend to use Regular CP Serum (perhaps even diluted with water) after procedures. All SRCPs/copper-peptides should not be applied on skin that is broken, oozing, or irritated."

Also have a look at the info on this page:

"Subcision or Needling to Break Down Scars followed by Copper Peptides

In this procedure, a needle (such as tattoo needle) disrupts the scar collagen and stimulates replacement of newly formed collagen. Best results are achieved with several sessions. This often used on pitted acne scars or at the margins of face lifts. Some scars may be too deep and too hard for hydroxy acids to effective loosen.

Another idea is that certain scars form a barrier wall or "zone-of-stasis" that blocks the body's scar removal systems. Scar-clearing macrophages cannot penetrate the barrier and blood vessels will not grow through the barrier. The subcision breaks down this barrier and allows the body to begin dissolving the scar tissue.

Some estheticians tell us that they use CP Serum or Trireduction after the needling and see a much better and faster clearing of the scars. However, do not apply the copper peptides until the wound has scabbed over and is no longer open or oozing liquid."

So yes, I think I'll wait 30 mins after rolling and then apply diluted CP Serum.
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Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:55 pm      Reply with quote
Thanks Keliu- I never would have remembered where I read it. Frankly, I'm lucky if I remeber what I ate for breakfast!
Robin Rolling Eyes
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Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:13 am      Reply with quote
can u use dermaroll under eyes to lift saggy skin?
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Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:37 pm      Reply with quote
tasha92337 wrote:
can u use dermaroll under eyes to lift saggy skin?

You can use a skin roller under the eyes but I would use one with shorter needles.

I'm finding that the saggy skin on my neck is really tightening up from all the needling.
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:54 pm      Reply with quote
OMG ... I may NEED one of these!! It sure would be a lot cheaper than a neck lift!!

Frodo, what do you think so far??

Cheers - Ruth/4sons 56 yrs. old, combination skin, getting tired ...
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:20 pm      Reply with quote
I think it depends on the individual and how much sagging you have,if you have a a lot of sag I think surgery is the only option. So far I have been using the dermaroller under my eyes and crows feet followed by retin A and other high end skin products like TNS recovery.My wrinkles have greatly improved and I dont really have crows feet(I am 53). I used botox but by now it should have worn off and my eyes look really good I am hoping the dermaroller has eliminated the need for further botox treatments,I also use TNS Recovery which helps to build up the collagen in wrinkles.I think the combined effort of the dermaroller, retin A, top skin products, staying out of the sun and taking lots of vitamins etc have started to pay off. Very Happy
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:25 pm      Reply with quote
lucyluc - how long did it take for your wrinkles to improve with the dermaroller?
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:23 pm      Reply with quote
lucyluc ... do you use your dermaroller on your neck? If so, do you use the one with the long or short needles?

This is all strangely fascinating to me -

Cheers - Ruth/4sons 56 yrs. old, combination skin, getting tired ...
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:22 pm      Reply with quote
Yes I use it on the neck and sometimes all over my face if I have time....I use the short one for inhome use, not the one that makes you bleed.I am not positive if my improvement is from the dermaroller or botox. I used botox but by now it should wear off and the crows feet should return and they havent yet so either its the dermaroller or botox is just lasting longer.I dont think its the botox because I have had it many times and it has never lasted this long.Also I use skin medicas TNS recovery and their night eyecream 2 times a day and retin A at night.I think that in conjunction with the dermaroller have softened lines.Under my eyes look pretty good and most people think I am in my 30's, not 50's.
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:26 pm      Reply with quote
Is yours the Leaf and Russcher Dermaroller for home use??? Where did you get it???

Will you tell me if this routine sounds right?

Do you use your active (say Vitamin C) and THEN use the dermaroller or does one do the rolling and THEN apply the actives.

I understand that one works up from 2x a week to maybe 2x a day ...

This is incredibly interesting.

Cheers - Ruth/4sons 56 yrs. old, combination skin, getting tired ...
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:07 pm      Reply with quote
yes I bought the leaf rusher one for home use on ebay it was around$70.I use it twice a day, it doesnt hurt that much I use it after cleansing my face and when it is still slightly moist I first roll and then use my skin products. I need to get the heavy duty roller to use once in a while because that is supposed to have more dramatic benefits but I am afraid my face might look bad for several days and I work with the public and cant afford to look like crap,I would need to take time off.........
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:09 pm      Reply with quote
I have noticed my melasma has improved but that might be due to religiously staying out of the sun, and using skin medicas Vitamin C...I use so many products sometimes I am not really sure which one is working.
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Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:06 pm      Reply with quote
lucyluc wrote:
I need to get the heavy duty roller to use once in a while because that is supposed to have more dramatic benefits but I am afraid my face might look bad for several days and I work with the public and cant afford to look like crap,I would need to take time off.........

I use the 1.5mm roller and whilst it does hurt initially, there is no down-time. If anything, my facial skin looks fabulous the day after. My neck does turn red, but actually, after continued use, the redness is much milder. So roll away with confidence - you'll be fine. Very Happy
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