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Ageless if you Dare - Loulou's Facial Exercises
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Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:16 pm      Reply with quote
I can remember all the Day 1 and Day 2 exercises now, and so I even do them in the car or at work. The one I don't care for much is the Long Neck exercise because I don't have a lot of skin to grab in two places. If I grab only the middle part, then I'm ok.

I don't have the built up cheeks yet. However I am not giving up. I am doing them every day now whenever I can. I even do them while waiting at the movie theater during previews. I do them at work, too. If you turn the monitor screen off, then your monitor will show your reflection. People will think you're working when you're exercising your face. lol
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:14 am      Reply with quote
I may try Flex Effect along with Loulous exercises. Toby stated that Loulous is good for lifting the cheek area but Flex Effect is better for building the lower face for fullness. I have called Flex Effects number twice to order it by phone and e-mailed once and still have gotten no reply.
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:52 am      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I may try Flex Effect along with Loulous exercises. Toby stated that Loulous is good for lifting the cheek area but Flex Effect is better for building the lower face for fullness. I have called Flex Effects number twice to order it by phone and e-mailed once and still have gotten no reply.

Kay I am sure Claudia from Flexeffect will get with you soon, she visits this forum as well as is the Administrator of the Flexeffect forum(her mom is Deb the founder of the program).

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Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:02 am      Reply with quote
When I am in the car I do the facial massage and at red lights I do Exercise #8 Wish.
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:14 am      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I may try Flex Effect along with Loulous exercises. Toby stated that Loulous is good for lifting the cheek area but Flex Effect is better for building the lower face for fullness. I have called Flex Effects number twice to order it by phone and e-mailed once and still have gotten no reply.

Here is the order page for FE;

How is everything going with LL's new DVD? Is the glitch sorted out yet? Sorry if it's been adressed on the other forum, I haven't been able to visit there in a while.. Crying or Very sad

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:08 am      Reply with quote
I have the new DVD and I play it on my PC computer. Works fine for me but people are still having some problems.
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:23 pm      Reply with quote
I am still waiting for a replacement dvd as mine appears to be blank. It will not play on anything. I e-mailed loulou about two weeks ago for an update but heard nothing back.
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:31 pm      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I may try Flex Effect along with Loulous exercises. Toby stated that Loulous is good for lifting the cheek area but Flex Effect is better for building the lower face for fullness. I have called Flex Effects number twice to order it by phone and e-mailed once and still have gotten no reply.

when I originally ordered FE it took a few phone calls and a couple days but I got the order and all was well - it is a small shop but in the end nice to work with.

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:18 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Kay... it's true. We are a small shop. Phone orders can sometimes take longer, as you need to make that human connection. As far as I know, all messages left (through last night)have had return phone calls by this afternoon. Please PM me if you haven't heard from anyone.

Sorry about my delay in response, I've been on the road.


Claudia of FlexEffect... 43, fair skin, occasional breakout, Using ECO FROG (my own=disclaimer), and TrueScience (I also sell this)... Happy with that...Come visit on FB!
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Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:00 pm      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I may try Flex Effect along with Loulous exercises. Toby stated that Loulous is good for lifting the cheek area but Flex Effect is better for building the lower face for fullness. I have called Flex Effects number twice to order it by phone and e-mailed once and still have gotten no reply.

Lou Lou does focus more on cheeks and lifting the face that way and it sure has worked for her that's for sure. FE helps with cheeks too.
I've heard some clients don't like the look of building the lower face but I do most of them - just not as regularly. I try to tone, not build so much.

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:08 am      Reply with quote
I got a call from FE yesterday and got the program ordered. I am excited as I am interested in building my cheek area as well as widening my face. I was told FE is the perfect program for that. I am just going to stay away from the exercises that will irritate my TMJ.I guess it all boils down to common sense if it hurts don't do it. Razz
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Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:18 pm      Reply with quote
Just a heads up, I e-mailed loulou today regarding the status of the replacement dvds. I will let you know what I hear back, if I hear back.
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Fri Jun 19, 2009 7:18 pm      Reply with quote
Hi all,

Back on June 6 I sent the lulu company an email (responding to their sales receipt email) letting them know my DVD would not play (I believe it's blank). The automated reply stated they no longer handled customer service complaints sent to that address, and to follow a link to create a ticket on their website. Which I did, and finally today (almost 2 weeks later) I got a response from them!

Thank you for your message and I apologize for the delay in our response. We have recently moved to a new system, which has not been without some issues and delays. Unfortunately, the correct source files to make a video dvd were not uploaded. I have since made the project available only to the creator and refunded you the amount of the DVD. If you are still interested in purchasing the DVD, I would suggest contacting the creator regarding your interest. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience.

So I'm not out the money and didn't need to mail the blank disc back - I am now planning to wait until Loulou is able to market her upgraded and "polished" DVD program - I hope the wait won't be too long.

48. Using 302/NCN/Skinactives products, grab-bag of facial exercises, occasional gadgets.
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:02 am      Reply with quote
I also received a blank dvd. What is the e-mail address to the company who refunded you the money? I have e-mailed loulou several times and received no response. Thanks!
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:06 pm      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
I also received a blank dvd. What is the e-mail address to the company who refunded you the money? I have e-mailed loulou several times and received no response. Thanks!

Hi Kay. Didn't you order the DVD online from As far as I know that was the only source for purchasing it, so you should have an email receipt from them you could try responding to. This is what I did, and in their response they gave me a link to create a customer support ticket online. After I created that ticket I actually copied the page and emailed it to myself just so I'd have a record of it and the ticket number, in case I needed it - I recommend you do this or at least save the number, because the site didn't automatically email me a notification of the ticket creation.

I've just gone to the website and they do not seem to have any email support or visible email address to contact at all, so I would suggest you try reaching them the way I did, by responding to your email receipt of purchase (that way they will also have proof you bought from them) and then, if they send you a link to create a ticket, following that process.

If this doesn't work, PM me and I'll send you the link they sent me (you have to be registered on their site to use it, but I assume you are, as one has to register in order to purchase items).

(Note to anyone reading: Loulou herself is not responsible for lulu dot com, which is simply a publishing site she used for her products - the name similarity is a coincidence.)

48. Using 302/NCN/Skinactives products, grab-bag of facial exercises, occasional gadgets.
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Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:11 pm      Reply with quote
This is an answer that I just received from in regards to my CD not working. It took about 1 1/2 weeks for an answer.

Thank you for your email. We have had some trouble with this DVD due to the incorrect file types uploaded by the author. I have refunded you for this order, and the author has been alerted about this issue. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you,

Sarah L
Lulu Enterprises, Inc

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:30 am      Reply with quote
I just got through re reading Ageless If You Dare and LouLou states in there how important it is for the muscles to rest between exercises. Why then does FE recommend doing them everyday??
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Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:43 am      Reply with quote
I have been doing Ageless for months now and would love to get the DVD. I went to the website and it says the item is no longer available. Does anyone know what is going on? Confused

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:47 am      Reply with quote
I received a blank dvd and I think until loulou gets this mess straightened out the new replacement dvds will not be available. I am sure she will somehow let us know when they are.
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Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:19 am      Reply with quote
Kay thank you for the update. I saw the preview of the the DVD and of course was going to order it immediately. I will just have to be patient.

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:58 am      Reply with quote
KayS wrote:
"I just got through re reading Ageless If You Dare and LouLou states in there how important it is for the muscles to rest between exercises. Why then does FE recommend doing them everyday??"

Hi Kay

On pg 24 of your FE book it says '...When training the body you are using a controlled amount of weight and incrementally increasing it. When resistance training the face, you are using your hands to provide resistance and that resistance is not stable nor incremental...How the face feels, soreness, muscle fatigue, extra puffiness around eyes etc. should be the deciding factor....Train at least 5 days a week...'

She also says '... FlexEfffect is a lifetime commitment. ...I recommend you make an attempt to train everyday when possible. This allows you to make-up for all the days when life interferes with your training...and you know it will.'

Her gist is this:

If you find you have no problem training 5 days straight every week then at the end of those 5 days take two days off. If after a few months you find yourself missing too many workouts then forget trying to set yourself a rigid routine and train everyday when possible.

I'll let someone from Ageless answer on LL's behalf.

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:20 pm      Reply with quote
My Ageless DVD arrived this morning to Canada and the WMV file works perfectly on my mac via QuickTime and the Flip4Mac WMV plug-in.
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Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:31 pm      Reply with quote
Yay Havana - Please give a report when you can. I'm very curious about the DVD....

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:02 pm      Reply with quote
You are one of the lucky ones!!!!
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Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:06 am      Reply with quote
Does anyone know how to contact customer service at I went to their site and could find no "contact us" heading anywhere. I am going to seek a refund. I got an e-mail from loulou today saying the discs she has now are in the uk version and she is working with a company to have them converted to be watched in the states. She suggested I get a refund from as she has no ties with them whatsoever.
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