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Ageless if you Dare - Loulou's Facial Exercises
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Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:58 am      Reply with quote
bren21 wrote:
Yeah!! I just ordered the E-Book for Ageless! Starting to read already, LouLou sends me a link for the video correct? I am not going to start until I see some sort of demonstration of the exercises....I've tried other exercises just by reading the description and can't seem to understand what the heck they are trying to have me do! So guess you could say I am one of those "bone heads" that desperately needs a visual in addition to an explanation. Cannot wait to get started! Oh...and I also just ordered my AA LightStim!!! WHOO HOOO!!!!!! I'm pulling out the big guns now!! Bad Grin My face better be prepared for an all out war!! ha ha....

Bren, check your messages Smile

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:49 am      Reply with quote
LouLou....Which inbox do I check? Nothing at, here or in my hotmail as of yet:)....

But, happy to say I couldn't wait and tried out the day one exercises already! ha ha...I will be curious to see if I did them correctly. One question though that I was not clear on, do I do the exercises every day (alternating day 1 and day 2) or do I take a day off here and there. Wasn't real clear on that because in the book you mention the resting period which is very important. Wanted to make sure what you meant by the "resting" period...if that means the time in between the daily exercises or if you actually have to take a day off of exercising. report my first day of facial exercising......I can REALLY feel it in my cheeks!! They have that "tired" muscle feeling you get after a good workout at the gym....WOW!...also did the massage technique as well...face is feeling a bit invigorated so to speak at the moment. Took before photos and noticed that my face is totally asymmetrical...I smoked out of the left side of my mouth and after taking the head on shots of my face, noticed that my left side "droops" more than my right!! UGH!!! Even my lips are lop-sided!! (This isn't so much noticeable while looking in the mirror at myself, not sure why it is so noticeable to me looking at my photo??) Will these exercises help bring my face back to a more symmetrical state LouLou?? Or am I stuck with this lop-sided look forever?? YIKES!!

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:38 am      Reply with quote
bren21 wrote:
LouLou....Which inbox do I check? Nothing at, here or in my hotmail as of yet:)....

But, happy to say I couldn't wait and tried out the day one exercises already! ha ha...I will be curious to see if I did them correctly. One question though that I was not clear on, do I do the exercises every day (alternating day 1 and day 2) or do I take a day off here and there. Wasn't real clear on that because in the book you mention the resting period which is very important. Wanted to make sure what you meant by the "resting" period...if that means the time in between the daily exercises or if you actually have to take a day off of exercising. report my first day of facial exercising......I can REALLY feel it in my cheeks!! They have that "tired" muscle feeling you get after a good workout at the gym....WOW!...also did the massage technique as well...face is feeling a bit invigorated so to speak at the moment. Took before photos and noticed that my face is totally asymmetrical...I smoked out of the left side of my mouth and after taking the head on shots of my face, noticed that my left side "droops" more than my right!! UGH!!! Even my lips are lop-sided!! (This isn't so much noticeable while looking in the mirror at myself, not sure why it is so noticeable to me looking at my photo??) Will these exercises help bring my face back to a more symmetrical state LouLou?? Or am I stuck with this lop-sided look forever?? YIKES!!

Oh dear Bren, I PMed you earlier today, but you haven't got it I can't find it in my sent box either Confused Just tried again.

The alternate days are a sort of built in rest, you don't need other days off, although there's no harm in having them Cool

Everyone's face looks bad in close up pics because the camera makes anything in the foreground look massive (including nose, chin and breasts). It's like those pics you see when someone's feet are towards the camera and look emormous. I think professionals use a zoom lens to avoid this, but you look like you do in the mirror not in the photo yay!

Your face should become equally strong on both sides over time, but don't worry too much. I have one of the most asymmetrical faces ever, and nobody else registers it much at all Cool
LL Very Happy

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:29 pm      Reply with quote
Whoa...just watched the video (thanks for the link!)....
LouLou, you look absolutely fabulous!! I am really blown away. It's hard to believe you have come all that way from your before is truly a night and day transformation. I could only hope to get a portion of those results and it gives me inspiration to keep on truckin through this. The ease of these exercises and the short time it takes to do them make it all the better. Once I get these down pat and don't have to look at the photos or video's any more, it will be like second nature to me and I will whip through these like nothing Very Happy My face is STILL a bit sore from the exercises this morning!! Is that normal?? ha ha...guess that means I worked something that hasn't been worked in some cheek area feels exactly like I just had an all night laugh session with my sisters (I know that feeling well!)....But after watching the video, I am pretty much doing them spot on, may need to adjust my gripping just a tad though. Can't wait for day 2!!!! Glad to hear that my lop-sidedness may be less apparent than I fear. ha ha....

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:39 pm      Reply with quote
I have often wondered why my nose looks absolutely huge when I take a pic of myself. I was going to take one to post on the boards showing my undereye but my nose looked like a huge sundial so I didn't dare! I always thought that I really do look like that so thanks for filling me in.

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:29 pm      Reply with quote
LouLou...curious about the facial "brushing" you mention in your book. May be a stupid question but do you actually use a brush or are you just talking about brushing as a physical movement? If it is an actual brush, what kind do you use?

Female: 42...Fair/Dry...Brown Hair/Green Eyes...Using: Born Again MSM Cream...Country Divine Emu Serum...Juvederm...Botox...Retin-A .05%...Easy Eye Solutions...Started 2/9/12 with Skin Bio Skin Signals Cream and TTT, Spot treating with TriRed
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Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:36 pm      Reply with quote
bren21 wrote:
LouLou...curious about the facial "brushing" you mention in your book. May be a stupid question but do you actually use a brush or are you just talking about brushing as a physical movement? If it is an actual brush, what kind do you use?

Bren, yes, I use a brush, and there have been lots of sorts... stiff, soft, hairbrush, toothbrush, body brush. The important thing is that it feels nice! Brush harder with a soft brush or softer with a stiffer brush. It's really good for breasts too! Very Happy

Thank you for your lovely feedback... once you begin to have confidence in your face it will look lovely to you and to everyone else, i promise!

((((((((hugs)) LL Cool

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:40 pm      Reply with quote
bren21 wrote:
Whoa...just watched the video (thanks for the link!)....
LouLou, you look absolutely fabulous!! I am really blown away. It's hard to believe you have come all that way from your before is truly a night and day transformation. I could only hope to get a portion of those results and it gives me inspiration to keep on truckin through this. The ease of these exercises and the short time it takes to do them make it all the better. Once I get these down pat and don't have to look at the photos or video's any more, it will be like second nature to me and I will whip through these like nothing Very Happy My face is STILL a bit sore from the exercises this morning!! Is that normal?? ha ha...guess that means I worked something that hasn't been worked in some cheek area feels exactly like I just had an all night laugh session with my sisters (I know that feeling well!)....But after watching the video, I am pretty much doing them spot on, may need to adjust my gripping just a tad though. Can't wait for day 2!!!! Glad to hear that my lop-sidedness may be less apparent than I fear. ha ha....

Hi Bren,

I'm smiling because I recognise that feeling when you've been laughing all night. It's good to feel sore, but not necessary, so don't worry either way Very Happy

Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.
Ll Very Happy

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:37 pm      Reply with quote
On the subject of facial brushing, sometimes I use a baby's hairbrush. It has soft bristles and can easily be sanitized with soap and water. There are more aggressive stiffer-bristled brushes in health food stores, and DHC makes a facial brush too that is nice. You're right Loulou, it does feel nice!

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Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:48 pm      Reply with quote

Is it ok if I add another set of 10 reps to each of my exercises for both Day 1 and Day 2?


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Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:17 pm      Reply with quote
Beth, are you doing exercises everyday, or every other?

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:03 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy_A wrote:
Beth, are you doing exercises everyday, or every other?

I do either Day 1 or Day 2, but not on the same day. So I would like to add 10 more reps to each exercise, which extends my daily time commitment very little.

I prefer to work each Day as intensely as I can, and I suspect that I would lose some of the intensity if I did both Days on the same day. (but that's just me...everyone else has to do what is right for them and their schedule)

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:16 am      Reply with quote
bethany wrote:

Is it ok if I add another set of 10 reps to each of my exercises for both Day 1 and Day 2?


Hi Bethany, yes that's fine... you can do as much as you like, it's just that if the face is breaking down and rebuilding a lot of tissue, it might look tired in the short term. Long-term it'll probably be a good thing, though.

Are you finding 20 reps don't work the muscle to the max? If so, add the 10 on to the 20. If you can get the max out of 20 reps, it might be good to go right through the day 1 or 2 routine, then do it again with another set of 10.

And Beth, thank you so much for all your help on this thread... you, Kassy, Lowbrow, Sis, Fawnie and of course Mpstat have been absolutely great at helping people out and explaining stuff

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:02 am      Reply with quote
Antonia wrote:
I have often wondered why my nose looks absolutely huge when I take a pic of myself. I was going to take one to post on the boards showing my undereye but my nose looked like a huge sundial so I didn't dare! I always thought that I really do look like that so thanks for filling me in.

Ah Antonia, it's so discouraging isn't it when models look like goddesses in pics and we look sort of um convex Laughing

If you get people to stand further away and use a zoom lens (is there a zoom lens, or do I just mean use zoom? Confused ). Anyway you'll look like the queen you are Very Happy

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:37 am      Reply with quote
LOL. I'm seriously pleased, LouLou, that you pointed this out. Convex is definitely how I would describe myself. I'm on Day 6 of your exercises now and can definitely see a flattening of the NL folds. I don't know for sure that it's just the exercises as I have some Radiesse in there and am using the BQ. The BQ is supposed to increase collagen, which gets mixed up with the Radiesse and continues to build. Maybe it's a combination of both. Whatever, something is working! My medispa doc says that she puts filler over the cheekbone "summit" to make the face look younger and to smoothe out crows feet. I'm hoping that building the cheek naturally will do the same. I loved Kassy's ref to walnuts. lol! Wattagal!

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:48 am      Reply with quote
LouLou, HELP!!! I'm a total nit-wit with the bloody massage, and so need a video...

Please, please, please, please... Pray

ETA: The good news is my little 'grape' cheeks are getting nice and squeezable.. Laughing My goal is walnuts though.. Very Happy

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:06 pm      Reply with quote
otherloulou wrote:
... Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.

LouLou thank yo so much for all the work you have done it is very much appreciated!!!
You do exercises only once a week? Do you combine Day1+Day2 exercises in one set, and do them one time a week?
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:41 pm      Reply with quote
Lilredhead, did you receive your video yet? I'm so glad you mentioned it. I just sent LouLou an email requesting mine.

LouLou, could you please post the info here that you sent another member on dealing with jowls?
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:11 pm      Reply with quote
catballou wrote:
LouLou, could you please post the info here that you sent another member on dealing with jowls?

Cat, I believe you are referring to this answer:

otherloulou wrote:
zephyr wrote:
Checking in after just two days of training - yes, I see a difference! I officially have a cold now, not feeling my best, but my face looks perkier! Hard to define, though. My NL lines, which are pretty faint anyway, are very faint now. The slight bagginess under my eyes looks better, flatter, this morning. I should mention that the undereye bagginess has always been a problem for me, even as a kid. No allergies or anything, just a family trait. My son seems to have escaped it, but most of the little kids in our family have them. Maybe I should have them doing the exercises too!

I think the cheek muscles exercises are what have made my face look perkier.

I have a question for you, otherloulou, about jowliness. That area is my biggest concern right now. Will the neck exercise help that area the most? I realize that everything will help, overall, but which exercise specifically addresses that area? Marionette lines, I think they're called - lines from the corners of my mouth down to my jaw on either side of my chin. Sad And then a really unattractive "pouchy-ness" to go along with it. Yuck!

Hi Zephyr,

I think jowliness is part of the natural downward shift of the face as a whole... if you lift and tighten the cheeks, you'll be amazed how much flesh goes up with it. As you've already spotted, Exercise 7 is also really good for the jawline

And you had me laughing with your description of your face, but please try to think of it as lovely and unique....honestly, thinking of it as nice just lets you automatically hold it in a happier way. It's a virtuous cycle!

(((((hugs)) and thanks so much for your good feedback

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:50 pm      Reply with quote
mpstat wrote:
otherloulou wrote:
... Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.

LouLou thank yo so much for all the work you have done it is very much appreciated!!!
You do exercises only once a week? Do you combine Day1+Day2 exercises in one set, and do them one time a week?

Id guess that loulou was aleady nicely toned from the flexeffect system and is now just needing to maintain results? Just a guess....

The rest of us would need to do more than a day id say.

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:49 pm      Reply with quote
mpstat wrote:
otherloulou wrote:
... Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.

LouLou thank yo so much for all the work you have done it is very much appreciated!!!
You do exercises only once a week? Do you combine Day1+Day2 exercises in one set, and do them one time a week?

Hi mpstat Smile

Yes, that's probably what I usuallydo, but it's not like there's a set routine for doing them... sometimes I'll do the odd exercise when I'm waiting for my computer to get going, but I only do the exercises very irregularly.

(((((hugs)) Ll Cool

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:56 pm      Reply with quote
carolb69 wrote:
mpstat wrote:
otherloulou wrote:
... Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.

LouLou thank yo so much for all the work you have done it is very much appreciated!!!
You do exercises only once a week? Do you combine Day1+Day2 exercises in one set, and do them one time a week?

Id guess that loulou was aleady nicely toned from the flexeffect system and is now just needing to maintain results? Just a guess....

The rest of us would need to do more than a day id say.

Hi Carol Cool

You're right that doing more than once a week is probably a good idea for most people (not mpstat though as I've seen her pic and she is firm of face and staggeringly Shock gorgeous), but once a week would make a difference... like going to the gym once a week and doing 10 exercises would if you'd never worked out in your life Very Happy

((((( hugs)) LL Very Happy

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Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:06 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy_A wrote:
LouLou, HELP!!! I'm a total nit-wit with the bloody massage, and so need a video...

Please, please, please, please... Pray

ETA: The good news is my little 'grape' cheeks are getting nice and squeezable.. Laughing My goal is walnuts though.. Very Happy

Haha! Kassy you are funny! Laughing As you know, I'm a bit of a nitwit myself! Very Happy

I will try to do another vid asap.... I'm going to take my dad to see our football (soccer) team lose again today, my mum's coming tomorrow, but my daughters are available to take the film so we should be able to do it pretty quickly one evening.

The massage doesn't have any special properties though.... any way you want to tug, press and squeeze your skin is good, and you'll do that a fair bit while you do the exercises. Cool

((((((hugs)) Ll Smile

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Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:22 am      Reply with quote
Since you have become such a celebrity around here Laughing I am sure many of us are curious about your actual progress in the transformation that has taken place with your face. So if you could please answer some questions.
1. What were your skin issues prior to facial exercises?
2.How long did it take for you to see a turn around with your skin?
3. How much did you train when you first began?
4.Also did you learn in the process that you think made the most difference in your transformation?
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:03 pm      Reply with quote
otherloulou wrote:
carolb69 wrote:
mpstat wrote:
otherloulou wrote:
... Oh and you can certainly get the same results as me, grip however is easiest! I only do mine once a week or so now, if that.

LouLou thank yo so much for all the work you have done it is very much appreciated!!!
You do exercises only once a week? Do you combine Day1+Day2 exercises in one set, and do them one time a week?

Id guess that loulou was aleady nicely toned from the flexeffect system and is now just needing to maintain results? Just a guess....

The rest of us would need to do more than a day id say.

Hi Carol Cool

You're right that doing more than once a week is probably a good idea for most people (not mpstat though as I've seen her pic and she is firm of face and staggeringly Shock gorgeous), but once a week would make a difference... like going to the gym once a week and doing 10 exercises would if you'd never worked out in your life Very Happy

((((( hugs)) LL Very Happy

LouLou - thank you for your kind words!!

I used to do facial exercises five times a week, and whenever I missed a day I felt so bad about it. Since I switched to every other day (I do ALL exercises on one day) it was incredible relief, not just from exercising but from psychological prospective that it is OK to do it every other day. When I read that LouLou exercises once a week, I was stunned. LouLou is an expert on facial exercises and the results of her program literally show on her face in the most incredible way!

It is great to know that it is possible to do the exercises less frequently, and still maintain the results. Thank you LouLou, you are an inspiration for all of us!!!
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