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Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:32 am |
I think also another element to consider is that for every muscle that does a particular job there is an antagonistic muscle that does the exact opposite. So for example, when you contract the leavator palpebrae (the muscle used to open the eye), the orbicularis oculi (the muscle used to close the eye relaxes).
So if a muscle is constantly contracted (and lets take a common example here such as frowning), the muscle used to do the exact opposite is constantly relaxed. So when someone begins facial exercises, what begins to happen is that both the relaxed muscle and the engaged muscle start returning to a more harmonious balance than they were previously.
A constant state of contraction and relaxation in time will result in a loss of tone, and this is true for all the voluntary muscles of the face. So when someone begins facial exercising, they begin to encourage the facial muscles to get back in to a more fluid state in which they are responsive to the demands place on them rather than playing just one passive kind of role (i.e. contracted or relaxed) and so many people who begin facial exercises report that their faces become much more expressionate as a result - which is great. I think expressionate faces are so much more attractive than the frozen botoxed look (but thats just a personal opinion)
otherloulou wrote: |
Hi Rileygirl, I don't know the answer to this... but I think that once you've exercised a muscle and learned how to tighten it, you'll probably hold it slightly contracted, just as it's easy to hold your stomach in once you start exercising the abdominal muscles. The natural state of a muscle in good condition is like this rather than completely relaxed/knackered, if you imagine walking around with your arms hanging and your shoulders slumped as opposed to keeping everything more or less under control. Even a slight contraction of the thigh will change the shape of it entirely, it looks rounder and sits higher on the leg.
The body does seem to be capable of reponding remarkably fast to unusual demands. If you knock your nail off the raw area will toughen up in hours, or carrying a heavy case around will give you a callous (callus) in days. I don't think that you can build significant amounts of muscle in a couple of days, but small changes have a big effect on the appearance of the face.  |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:27 am |
I downloaded the book and began over the weekend. I am excited and looking forward to seeing results. Does anyone know how often you are to do the massage portion? How important is this part? |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:44 am |
charis wrote: |
Does anyone know how often you are to do the massage portion? How important is this part? |
I believe the massage will give quicker and better results, than exercise alone..
I am still struggling with it, and not quite sure I'm even doing it right. In fact I have a looseness under my chin and jaw, that I didn't have prior to massage/exercise... I have read every possible available thread on massage over at FE, and Sean has bent over backwards to help me as well.
The long and short of it for me, is that without seeing/watching it in a video, I am just NOT going to get it.
I believe quite a lot of the eventual result I'll get is from being 100% confident that I am doing things correctly.. Thanks to the visual LouLou provided, I have that confidence with the exercise.. But as far as the massage I am completely discouraged, and will not continue it, until a visual aide comes along.
Off to U-Tube to check out some deep tissue and facial massage videos ...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:22 am |
Thanks Kassy. Let me know if you find anything helpful on youtube. I definantely don't want to loosen any skin up - that's a bit alarming! |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:27 am |
I think LouLou mentioned somewhere that she was going to produce another demo video to show the massage technique.
LouLou - are you still planning on producing the video? |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:53 am |
Kassy_A wrote: |
In fact I have a looseness under my chin and jaw, that I didn't have prior to massage/exercise. |
Kassy, I don't see how massage could possibly loosen your skin. Maybe it's because you haven't used the AALS much in the last 2 months?
The goal of the massage portion is pretty easy...just move your skin! How people do it is going to depend on how tight their skin is. But the goal is simply to increase blood circulation through the area, and energize those cells.
- In some areas of my face (like my lower face and cheeks), I use pinching motions, and roll the skin between my fingers when I can (like under my eyes)
- I found that pinching caused small bruises on my temples and forehead, so in those areas I firmly rub small circles to increase circulation.
- In some places (like the backs of my hands), I use both pinching and the circular rubbing.
- You can also use skin brushing instead of massage (or in addition to) to help increase stimulation. |
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Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:55 am |
My understanding from Loulou..and perhaps I that no special massage techinque is necessary...according to her method...just moving the flesh...tugging, pulling, pinching etc....
at least that's what I've ben doing..scary at first..but it really feels good/right for me.
I also watched quite a few videos about massage on utube..but I didn't bookmark them..and can't re-find the ones i really liked ..but did learn from them in the moment...and saw, again, how important moving the skin/flesh is..from these videos.
I also do acupressure points on my face several times a day...which I learned from utube videos. |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:56 am |
charis wrote: |
I downloaded the book and began over the weekend. I am excited and looking forward to seeing results. Does anyone know how often you are to do the massage portion? How important is this part? |
Charis, I only remember to do the massage portion a couple of times a week and still have had great results. And when I do actually do it, I don't spend much time at all.
But anyone who finds the time to do it more often will definitely be ahead of the game. More circulation to the cells means more nutrients, and more nutrients means more rejuvenation!  |
_________________ No longer answering PM's due to numerous weird messages. |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:12 pm |
m, Kassy,
I wonder if the lossening of your skin in those areas could be the process of 'breaking down' the tissue before it re-buildS itself
I'd like to hear what LouLou has to say about it....because..although my jawline is tightening as a result of her excercises and the jaw skin/flesh tugging....the skin on my upper neck..which is my nemesis..seems a bit more saggy since tugging on it...and yet...for me...I still have this deep inner feeing that it is part of the 'healing' process. |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:15 pm |
whoops! I don't know how that funny blue little face got on my post...I meant to say "Hmmm, Kassy" (I am extraordinarily computer/tech illiterate! |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:17 pm |
Beth, thanks for the tips and the LED reminder.. For sure not using the LED more than twice in 7 weeks isn't helping matters, and I'm back in business with that since last night..
I'm pretty sure that the aggressive manner that I was doing the massage is the culprit though.. I interpreted what I read that I should grab the skin and surrounding tissue, pull it away from the bone, and vigorously roll and knead between the fingers... As with everything else I do in life, I did it to the max!
I'm convinced that the pulling/tugging away from the face is the culprit... Things don't snap back as quickly when your 59 ... And it has nothing to do with supplements and hydration, because I have that well covered.. (Really, unless you are several years post menopausal, it's impossible to really know what I mean I think.)
Until I see LouLou's video that she said she was working on, I won't be doing any more massage for now...
The bright side is when I have a good hearty laugh, I can actually glimpse my cheeks... ... Or maybe it's just my dreaded bags got bigger... argh! |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:21 pm |
Kassy_A wrote: |
I'm pretty sure that the aggressive manner that I was doing the massage is the culprit though.. I interpreted what I read that I should grab the skin and surrounding tissue, pull it away from the bone, and vigorously roll and knead between the fingers... As with everything else I do in life, I did it to the max! |
Now that is a scary visual! I definitely do not use such an aggressive approach. |
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Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:28 pm |
I'm sorry I wasn't on this thread to acknowledge/celebrate your birthday...hope it was as powerful as you are! |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:31 pm |
bethany wrote: |
Kassy_A wrote: |
I'm pretty sure that the aggressive manner that I was doing the massage is the culprit though.. I interpreted what I read that I should grab the skin and surrounding tissue, pull it away from the bone, and vigorously roll and knead between the fingers... As with everything else I do in life, I did it to the max! |
Now that is a scary visual! I definitely do not use such an aggressive approach. |
Now you can see why this "old hyde" is a wee bit traumatized...  |
_________________ ♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥ |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:26 pm |
I like the skin brushing over the massage personally. It does not feel good to me to pinch/roll the skin on my face, but I love the skin brushing! |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:00 pm |
Kassy_A wrote: |
grab the skin and surrounding tissue, pull it away from the bone, and vigorously roll and knead between the fingers... |
ZOMG Kassy!!! LouLou's vid is going to seem so tame once you see it!! It's just a pinching movement IMO.
I still like FE's massage for firming up the undereye area, but I just do a rolling/pinching movement and it seems to help...dear girl, I hope you haven't pulled the meat right off your bones!!!  |
_________________ ✪ My go-to products: ✪ |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:13 pm |
Girls I go for broke with the massage and that is pretty much the challenge that was given to us on the FE forum. Now after saying that each has to determine how much their skin can handle. My skin responds very well to massage and I don't go through the stressed look. But I have thicker skin more prone to sag and not to wrinkles and fine lines. Even derma rolling doesn't require any down time. So be sensitive to the needs of your skin. On the FE forum they talk about using iced cloth after massage so the sessions are for serious business. I have never used or needed ice but maybe it would be helpful to others.
Toby |
_________________ female,"50 something" medium to thick normal skin, no wrinkles,Lightstim,Easy Eye Solutions,Green Smoothies,Ageless Secret Gold, Pico Toner,Beautiful Image |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:08 pm |
The iced cloth is s very helpful tip for me..I also have had the sense of really challenging the skin in these massages...
and even when I grab hold of the flesh in doing the exercises. I sometimes have light brusing ..I've been using tamanu oil with heliochrysum eo..but I think I'm definetely going to incorporate the iced cloth too. |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:34 pm |
I'm glad there has been a lot of chatter in regards to the facial massaging...that part of the program seemed to have slipped my mind, guess I was too gung-ho on the exercises! ha ha
So did a little massaging tonight and will continue to do them. Though my skin is a bit irritated at the moment....tried a new cleanser and it wreaked havoc on my poor dry face so tugging was kept at a minimum. Yet another damn cleanser to add to my failed cleanser grave yard Not sure what it is with this darn face of mine. I seem to be having difficulty finding one that wont irritate me or leave me feeling like I had a maxi-tight face lift...ugh.... |
_________________ Female: 42...Fair/Dry...Brown Hair/Green Eyes...Using: Born Again MSM Cream...Country Divine Emu Serum...Juvederm...Botox...Retin-A .05%...Easy Eye Solutions...Started 2/9/12 with Skin Bio Skin Signals Cream and TTT, Spot treating with TriRed |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:35 pm |
Rileygirl, i was thinking about your post on facebrushing over there a certain technique you you use the same kind of brush used for skinbrushing on the body? |
_________________ 71 years, primarily raw living food 35 years(vegan 45 years) herbal tea decoctions, homeopathy, TCM, facial massage, facial exercises, vacu-lifting, gua aha, shiatsu/acupressure, intention, home microcurrrent |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:40 pm |
jasminerosey wrote: |
Rileygirl, i was thinking about your post on facebrushing over there a certain technique you you use the same kind of brush used for skinbrushing on the body? |
I'm not Riley, but I was using the same brush (I actually just bought a stiffer one for my legs) and just use it in a circular motion all over my face (including my eyelids).
But I just bought a book on skin brushing and may change that after reading it tonight!  |
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Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:42 pm |
jasminerosey wrote: |
Rileygirl, i was thinking about your post on facebrushing over there a certain technique you you use the same kind of brush used for skinbrushing on the body? |
No technique at all, jasminerosey! Sorry, nothing fancy here! I just rub the brush in circles all over my face to get the circulation going. I am using the Shiseido brush. It is soft, and I am not sure if that is ok for the massage or if one needs a "stiffer" brush, but I like it. |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:01 pm |
I just read the skin brushing book and it said to use a softer brush, and avoid the eyes.  |
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Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:03 pm |
bethany wrote: |
I just read the skin brushing book and it said to use a softer brush, and avoid the eyes.  |
Maybe LouLou has a preference and can give us her thoughts on it? I am glad to hear that you read a softer brush, though! |
Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:14 pm |
rileygirl wrote: |
bethany wrote: |
I just read the skin brushing book and it said to use a softer brush, and avoid the eyes.  |
Maybe LouLou has a preference and can give us her thoughts on it? I am glad to hear that you read a softer brush, though! |
The book I read was "Dr. Berkowsky's Vital Chi Skin-Brushing System: The Quick Start Program"...apparently he is a skin brushing guru. |
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Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:12 pm |
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